Sunday, August 29, 2021

David Bedrick: A Next Step In Healing Ourselves and Our Planet

Deep respect, affection, and gratitude to David Bedrick for his beautiful heart and the wisdom that flows through him. So needed in our hurting relationships and our hurting world. Molly

I learned to meditate when I was 29 years old.
I loved it, at least at first. Everything that arose in me, especially things that were difficult, I quickly took to my meditation room and cushion.
The impulse to meditate was particularly strong when I had relationship difficulties, which, I admit, were rather often.
If I felt hurt, I meditated. If I felt angry, I meditated. If I felt alone, I meditated. I learned quite a bit doing this.
BUT, and it's a big BUT, I didn't learn how to work out my relationship difficulties.
The meditation method taught me how to focus internally, but not how to focus on another person or to focus on the space between us.
In that way, I didn't know how to take my feelings of hurt, anger, aloneness, etc to my friends and partners. I didn't learn how to ask for what I needed. I didn't learn to have a healing conflict. I didn't learn to speak up for myself, to confront.
In a way, my meditation practice had become somewhat of a bypass technique I 'got over' my feelings alone instead of making intimacy out of them.
Today I believe in using focusing techniques and skills to "meditate" on the space between people. I believe that relationship, with myself, with another, with the Earth, is where many of us need to learn the most.
I believe that learning about relationship just may be the next step in healing ourselves and our planet.
David Bedrick

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