Sunday, August 29, 2021

Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

My husband and I both watched this. EXCELLENT. Oh, how radically different our nation would be if we Americans were informed, I mean truly informed. Deepest bow of respect and gratitude to John Oliver and those like Amy Goodman and other independent journalists, truth-tellers, visionaries, and wisdom holders who relentlessly bring us the truth of larger pictures and who consistently hold the powerful accountable rather than acting as their mouthpieces.  

I also agreed with what Ron wrote when he posted this: "Grateful to John Oliver for doing what all the mainstream media can’t or won’t do honestly and fearlessly present the painful consequences of our adventurism in Afghanistan and around the world." Spot on. Molly

 Afghanistan: Last Week Tonight
with John Oliver 

John Oliver discusses the end of America’s war with Afghanistan, and the humanitarian crisis being left behind. 

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