Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Rumi: Your Heart Knows the Way. Run In That Direction.

 Rumi Quotes on Love
Would you become a pilgrim on the road of love
The first condition is that you make yourself 
 humble as dust and ashes.
Your task is not to seek for love, but merely 
to seek and find all the barriers within yourself 
that you have built against it.
Seek the wisdom that will untie your knot. 
Seek the path that demands your whole being.
Everyone has been made for some particular work, 
and the desire for that work has been 
put in every heart.
You have to keep breaking your
heart until it opens.
Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness 
and tenderness of our heart.
Be certain that in the religion of 
Love there are no believers and unbelievers. 
LOVE embraces all.
Let yourself be drawn by the stronger pull 
of that which you truly love.
Love is the bridge between you and everything. 
When you seek love with all your heart you 
shall find its echo in the universe.
The whole universe is contained within 
a single human being  you.
You are not a drop in the ocean. 
You are the entire ocean, in a drop.
Your heart is the size of an ocean. 
Go find yourself in its hidden depths.

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