Thursday, July 15, 2021

Bernie Sanders Says He Intends to Go 'Into Trumpworld and Start Talking to People'

This is the wisdom, consciousness, compassion, and caring action that I believe we all need to aspire to. Whether we’re aware of it or not, we’re all connected, all related, all in this together.

The suffering and the joy of others is also ours.
There’s a reason why so many of us get pulled into acting against our own best interests and that of everyone around us. Understanding the reasons empowers us, like Bernie, to see the pain under the harmful beliefs and actions of ourselves and others. And that understanding helps us to increasingly be the peace our world hungers for.
As the Dalai Lama wisely reflects, compassion is the radicalism of our times... and so deeply needed.
Bless Bernie Sanders! Bless us all! 🙏 Molly
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) "would have loved to run against" former President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, he told The New York Times' Maureen Dowd. "He's a fraud and he's a phony," Sanders said of Trump. "That's what he is, and he has to be exposed for that."
But he retains a different attitude toward many of Trump's supporters, whom he says he wants to reach out to soon, seemingly when he gets a break from his work on infrastructure legislation. Sanders told Dowd that the "Democratic elite" doesn't always "fully appreciate" the need to speak to the struggles of the white working class, reflecting a message he often relayed throughout his presidential campaigns. "We've got to take it to them," Sanders said, referring to the aforementioned demographic. "I intend, as soon as I have three minutes, to start going into Trumpworld and start talking to people."
Sanders told Dowd "it's absolutely imperative if democracy is to survive that we do everything that we can to say, 'Yes, we hear your pain and we are going to respond to your needs.'" If Democrats fail to do that, Sanders added, he fears "very much that conspiracy theories and big lies and the drift toward authoritarianism" will continue. Read more from Dowd's sit-down with Sanders at The New York Times.

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