Thursday, June 24, 2021


Weeping. My heart is so touched, just broken open. I have seen this before. And it needs to be shared again and again and again. We all need to no longer be satisfied with living in ignorance. Each and every one of us. We have long needed to seek and integrate the truth into our bones and our deepest heart. My own life experience has taught me that it is one thing to think we know something in our minds, and it's something different altogether to integrate what we are learning into the depths of our being. This is how we heal. And as we increasingly heal and awaken and are transformed, we will be among all those countless other humans working together towards a more just, conscious, caring, compassionate, and loving world. May it be so. May it be so. 🙏 Molly

 Why America Needs a Slavery Museum

The Whitney Plantation near Wallace, Louisiana, is the first and only U.S. museum and memorial to slavery. While other museums may include slavery in their exhibits, the Whitney Plantation is the first of its kind to focus primarily on the institution. John Cummings, a 78-year-old white southerner, has spent 16 years and more than $8 million of his own fortune to build the project, which opened in December of last year. Cummings, a successful trial attorney, developed the museum with the help of his full-time director of research, Ibrahima Seck. The duo hope to educate people on the realities of slavery in its time and its impact in the United States today. “The history of this country is rooted in slavery," says Seck. “If you don’t understand the source of the problem, how can you solve it?” Watch more videos: Subscribe to The Atlantic on YouTube: 


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