Friday, June 11, 2021

U.S. Led 2020 Nuclear Weapons Spending; Now Biden Going “Full Steam Ahead” on Trump’s Nuclear Plans

This is incredibly disturbing AND so important to know. Through the lens of trauma, the leaders of our country and so many others are tragically impacted by their own trauma which then spreads out and impacts our nation, other nations, and the world. Any justification of poisoning our Earth Mother is truly and inevitably rooted in trauma. How else can those in positions of power continue patterns of entrenched toxic belief systems and actions which literally put all of life on Earth at risk? This madness must change and be stopped. It must. Prioritizing the funding of weapons of mass destruction is truly abhorrent and heartbreaking. Another world is possible. ― Molly

As President Biden prepares for the G7 and NATO summits and a meeting with Vladimir Putin, we look at how the United States, Russia and other nuclear-armed nations continue to spend billions on nuclear weapons during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite President Biden’s criticisms of the Trump administration’s nuclear policies during his candidacy, his administration is continuing initiatives to expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal and is seeking $43 billion for nuclear weapons in his new budget. This comes as a new report from the Nobel Prize-winning International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons reveals global spending on nuclear weapons increased during the pandemic, and found the world’s nine nuclear-armed countries spent $72.6 billion on nuclear weapons in 2020, with the United States alone spending $37 billion. “We’ve been seeing, from year to year, the spending on nuclear weapons has been increasing,” says Alicia Sanders-Zakre, ICAN’s policy and research coordinator. “Despite Biden’s campaign promises of wanting to work for arms control, wanting to work for disarmament, we’re seeing that in reality he’s going full steam ahead with Trump’s legacy nuclear weapons programs and continuing to spend more money on these weapons of mass destruction.”

Please go here for the full interview and transcript:

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