Thursday, June 10, 2021

Doing Nothing For Others Is the Undoing of Ourselves

This piece written by Paul Field one year ago is tragically spot on. There is a vital need for us to recognize and transform the truth of what Noam Chomsky speaks to when we states that "Americans are a massively propagandized people." We need to become courageous and fierce truth-seekers. This is what holds the potential to transform ourselves and the great suffering rooted in disinformation, denial, distraction, and tragic and avoided poverty, despair, death which pervade our society. We can awaken. We can work together for a more just and humane world. And we are all needed in this effort. ― Molly

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you need to know how silly you look if you post some variation of, "Welcome to Socialism..."
You are not seeing Socialism. What you are seeing is one of the wealthiest, geographically advantaged, and productive capitalist societies in the world flounder and fail at its most basic test. Taking care of its people.
This crisis is not about the virus.
This crisis is about the massive failure of our, "Booming economy," to survive even modest challenges. It is about the market dissonance of shortages in stores, even as farmers/producers destroy unused crops and products. This crisis is about huge corporations needing an emergency bailout within days of the longest Bull Market in our history ending and despite the ability to borrow with zero percent interest rates.
This crisis is about corporatized healthcare systems being unable and ill equipped to provide basic healthcare, at the same time they post record profits. It is about crisis response depending on antiquated systems nobody remembers how to operate.
But most of all, this crisis is a direct result of the politicization of every aspect of our society for the benefit of a privileged few. The vilification of education, science, media, natural rights, rural lifestyles, urban lifestyles, charity, compassion, and virtually everything else for brief political gain has gutted our society.
What you are seeing is a quarter century of technological brilliance being reduced to a narcissistic popularity contest. You're seeing the folly of basing the health and welfare of an entire society on personal greed. You're seeing all the necessary tools, for us to shrug off this crisis, go unused while people argue over who should get the credit and profit. Even worse, you're seeing vital help withheld because recipients might not, "deserve it..."
You're seeing a lot of things nobody thought they'd ever see, but you're not seeing Socialism...
"Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves." Horace Mann
― Paul Field 

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