Sunday, May 9, 2021

Happy Mother's Day To All Women Everywhere

Photo by Molly

Happy Mother's Day to the mothers I know and love. And Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and women everywhere. 
Whether we birth children or not, in our bodies and hearts and souls we are giving birth, birth to new life that takes many forms — creativity and courage, blessing and beauty, kindness and compassion, tenderness and healing, the growing wholeness of awakening hearts, deepening consciousness and truth, brave activism and strong voices, fierce protection and caring, resilience and hope, wisdom and love. 
May we all remember this special day as something much greater than any commercialized version which shrinks and diminishes its value and the potential meaning it can hold for us all. May we instead choose to honor and bless the Sacred Feminine within our mothers, ourselves, each other, and our Earth Mother. I imagine a world in which we individually and collectively will embody this conscious awareness and blessing on Mother's Day and, increasingly, on every day as reflected in the way we live our lives. 
This conscious choice to hold all mothers, all women and girls, all the many faces of the feminine with reverence, protection, and love is the antidote to systems, values, and beliefs long rooted in patriarchy, sexism, and misogyny. This is but one vision of Mother's Day which can heal and transform and extend ripples out into the world which can make all the difference. 
May we reclaim what it is to honor mothers into something all at once both deeply personal and expansive in its growing depth and meaning and impact on us individually and collectively. This is my prayer.

Deep bow and blessings to us all...

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