Monday, April 19, 2021

Ruby and Lucille Bridges: The Courage To Change the World

Tears. So moving. If only we could embody half the courage, integrity, and fierce vision for a more just and equitable world that Ruby Bridges and her mother did. This is so tragic. And so incredibly inspiring. Molly

UNSUNG MAMA HERO: November 1960 - Ruby Bridges holds tightly to her mother’s hand as she enters into an angry mob to check into school each day. Ruby’s mom, Lucille Bridges made sure her daughter knew she was safe and was like a shield in every respect by her little girl’s side as she set out to change a nation.
I remember feeling fear once” stated Ruby. “I remember an angry white woman holding a little coffin with a Black doll and her screaming how she would hang me.” “I hesitated and my mother looked me in the eye and said, she won’t hurt you, I’ll see to that. I believed my mother and I kept walking!” Ruby Bridges-Hall is a wife, mother and grandmother. THANK YOU RUBY & LUCILLE BRIDGES.

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