Saturday, March 6, 2021

Matt Taibbi: Hate Inc., Why Today's Media Makes Us Despise One Another

Journalist and author Matt Taibbi presented a lecture on his book "Hate Inc.: Why Today's Media Makes Us Despise One Another." This event was co-sponsored by Penn State's McCourtney Institute for Democracy and Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications. The lecture is followed by an audience Q&A moderated by McCourtney Institute communications specialist Jenna Spinelle.

This talk from September 2020 with Matt Taibbi is excellent. It's well worth the time to listen to and absorb and become more deeply inoculated against the pervasiveness of blatant propaganda and also the more covert silence that manipulates and leads us away from the stories we most deeply need to know and understand and act upon.
As Matt Taibbi accurately states, the news can be bad for our mental health and for society. And this is particularly true if we’ve felt pushed to either mostly disengage and be uninformed or if we’ve been been pulled into the polarizing propaganda that disempowers through dividing us.
It’s important to understand that this can occur if we’re either listening to FOX or to MSNBC. Limiting ourselves to any corporate funded mainstream media is, I believe, bad for us and bad for society. Matt Taibbi details and illuminates this and what has occurred to American media over the past 40 years.
These facts serve as an antidote to the dangerous and tragic walls that have been erected between us as Americans and planetary sisters and brothers and provides us with the empowering path of how we can individually and collectively work to turn these walls sideways and build the bridges so vital to the well-being of us all.
Deep gratitude to Matt Taibbi and all who help awaken, heal, and transform us with the greater truths and wisdom so essential to deep systemic changes within ourselves and our world. 🙏 Molly

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