Friday, January 22, 2021

The Dark Underbelly of America Has Been Illuminated

This is a hard piece to read and absorb. Yet, it is exactly the voice of truth of those like Nate Frischkorn that we need to listen to. We need to be shaken awake. And an essential part of this process is opening our eyes, minds, and hearts to the reality of millions of Americans, and those beyond our borders, that we may have long been blind to. For there is indeed a shadow side to our nation that we have been neglecting from the earliest days of slavery, the genocide of Indigenous Peoples, and the colonialism of white land owners and to the peril of us all. 

The horrors of the Trump era did not emerge out of a vacuum and, contrary to the beliefs of far too many, the root causes do not lie at the hands of one particular president, or one political party, or just a few "crazies." As a white woman of privilege, I also fully admit today to my once unknown complicity in what has brought us to the brink. 

Our ignorance and denial cannot continue. The dark underbelly of our country has indeed been illuminated. And now it is up to each of us to take actions to transform what we see, to continue to dive deep and inform ourselves, and to inspire each other to more deeply awaken and take on whatever roles each of us has come here to play to facilitate the healing, rather than the harm, of our nation, other nations, and the Earth. We're all needed.— Molly

Read the whole thing before reacting.
I am thankful for Donald trump. I am thankful for Donald trump, because he illuminated the dark underbelly of this country, albeit unintentionally. Over the last 4+ years we, as a nation, have come to learn just how racist this country is. We have learned just how much of America has a penchant for violence. We have come to learn just how little some of our neighbors care about us. We have learned how xenophobic this country is.
Many of us have known these things for much longer than the last few years; some of us have lived it. But I think far less people would know what this country truly is if trump had not brought it all out to the surface. Trump enabled the most vile elements of our society to reveal themselves in public; he made the klan feel comfortable removing their hoods. And for that I am truly thankful. I would rather know who my racist friends and family are, than have them hide it.
How can you heal something that's hidden? You must be able to clearly and plainly see the disease before you can cure it. I think far more people can see the disease clearly now than ever before. Because trump never was the disease; he is merely a symptom. Like lancing a boil to drain out the infection, it was necessary to go through a painful period before we can heal.
Because here's the truth: America is not great. America has never been great. America has always been a racist, sexist, classist nation that privileges the few at the expense of the many. The attitudes that trump's presidency revealed have been part of this country for the entirety of it's existence.
America is not, and has never been great, but I believe it can be great in the future. Before it can become great, we need to recognize how truly awful this country has been; we cannot sweep the ugly parts under the proverbial rug. Everything has been brought out in the open these last four years; let's keep the sunlight on it until it's completely disinfected.
Nate Frischkorn 

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