Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Capitol Riot Explained

This deeply important short film is worth watching and sharing. Deep bow of respect and gratitude to Tim Hjersted, to Films For Action, and to all the truth-tellers in our midst. 

I also need to acknowledge how painful it is to open ourselves up to truly looking at and absorbing the truth of the larger pictures illuminated in films like this one. I'm aware of my own resistance, and especially with how hard it is to hold the devastation of the Trump era alone — much less all the layers which we must come to see and address if there is to be any chance of significant and vitally needed change. These times are truly asking us to be courageous and to embody, in the words of Chris Hedges, a "profound commitment to truth." Molly

The events of January 6th have gotten plenty of news coverage, but there's been very little actual analysis. In this episode, I do my best to explain the Capitol Hill riot, who was responsible, why it happened, and what it means for the country going forward.
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