Monday, January 25, 2021

Bernie Sanders Memes and How He Dares Us To Dream Ideas That Are Bigger Than Anything We Have Ever Seen

Bernie Sanders has done more to more to mobilize and move our nation forward than many can begin to comprehend. There is a reason the Bernie memes have flooded our nation and beyond. Deepest bow to Bernie of respect, gratitude, and love. May he inspire us all! — Molly

He forces us to consider what America, at its best, would look like. He dares to dream ideas that are bigger than anything we have ever seen. And he challenges us not to cower in fear, thinking it could never happen, but to ask instead, "why not?" — Dahleen Glanton, the Chicago Tribune

If Bernie's memeification demonstrates anything, it is probably that there is an overwhelming yearning for a different politics that bypasses the pomp, sparkles and shininess of the usual - a desire so electrifying that it overlooks and outruns the photo-ready moment of Obama and Harris fist-bumping, the fashionable attires of the United States' new president's family, the spectacle of a post-insurrection inauguration during a pandemic, the new president's "unity" speech, and the inspiring eloquence and mastery of a young black poet - and settles on...mittens, one rung below quotidian, as the major takeaway of the day. Yes, the ordinary is what the extraordinary wants to become. Bayo Akomolafe
From "Put Bernie Anywhere"
— Thank you everyone who used this tool, it was a wild ride! I'm in awe that so many people enjoyed seeing Bernie Sanders go places. A total of 9,849,938 Bernie memes were created. Due to API costs, I cannot keep the site going, but it was a blast to maintain it while it lasted! Check back later for more as I figure out what to do with this...
Mind-boggling. And proof, once again, that this man is the most beloved political leader in the world. Forever the #PeoplesPresident  

You sat there, quite comfy, in your hand-made mittens
We all took one look, and were suddenly smitten 
You unintentionally became a work of art
You warmed our hands, and warmed our hearts 
What you've accomplished, no one could dream
You united a country under a blanket of memes
just sitting there, you set us on an upturn
You gave us what we needed, and we all feel the Bern

Look closely, someone is watching over Joe.

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