Friday, December 11, 2020


Pure madness. And so outrageously and blatantly undemocratic, criminal, and dangerous. The delusional entitlement of the extreme sociopathic narcissist — and his underlying terror of being exposed as a “loser” — is beyond breathtaking and insane. — Molly


1. They tried to destroy the post office to suppress Dem votes
2. They closed down voter areas in minority areas to suppress Dem votes
3. They still lost
4. They cry fraud and ask for costly recount. They still lost.
5. They brought in foreign observers who declared voting was legit.
6. They brought in lawyers, but none had proof and cases were thrown out of court.
7. They now want to suspend the Constitution and throw out the election.
(Thank you to my friend Bruce Hake for this one.)

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