Monday, December 14, 2020

Jeff Brown: This Is Bigger Than Trump

Thank you to Jeff Brown for this one. Deeply disturbing and sad and spot on. We’re all drawn to mirrors and what those mirrors look like for each of us varies tremendously depending upon where we fall on the continuum with ignorance on the one end and consciousness on the other. 

Jeff nailed the multiple mirroring fragments of this sociopathic malignant narcissist. Chilling. 

May more and more of us connect with the resilience, courage, intention, and support to heal and transform the ways that we’re hurting and emotionally unwell. Crisis = danger and opportunity. — Molly

 Recognizing, Healing, and Transforming 
Toxic Masculinity
I used to wonder how it was possible that Trump could have won given how emotionally toxic and depraved he is. I no longer do. I actually think he won, for that precise reason. Because he had at least one fucked-up part to mirror the fucked-up parts of millions.
If you are a racist, you found your guy. If you are a misogynist, you found your guy. If all you care about is money, you found your guy. If you have an emotionally armored heart, you found your guy. If you make fun of disabled people, you found your guy. If you hate intelligent people, you found your guy. If you are a rapist, you found your guy. If you like golden showers with Russian sex-workers, you found your guy. If you have not done a stitch of work on your emotional issues, you found your guy. If you are a serial cheater, you found your guy. If you are a perpetual bankrupt, you found your guy. If you don’t pay people for their honest work, you found your guy. If you are a hustler and a conman, you found your guy. If you mock people’s physical appearances, you found your guy. If you long for a toxic Daddy, you found your guy. If you are dissociated and disembodied, you found your guy. If you are unconscionable in all your economic dealings, you found your guy. If you lie day and night, you found your guy. If you have never eaten green vegetables, you found your guy. If you are a white supremacist, you found your guy. If you have a hole in your ego so big that not even the presidency could fill it, you found your guy. If you are a sociopath, and care not one iota about other humans, you found your guy. If you...
If he only had two of these issues, he never would have won. It was the fact that he had hundreds of them, that made him the winner. Because millions of humans are toxic. So they could relate to him, in one form or another. This is why we shouldn’t get too excited when he loses in November. It will be a great relief, to be sure, but we have a much bigger problem than Trump. Too many humans are emotionally unwell, and resonate with toxic masculinity. If we don’t find a way to heal that, there will be another Trump sooner than we think.
— Jeff Brown

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