Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Jeff Brown: Rooting Our Decisions In Deep Knowing

I was often criticized for being indecisive, particularly when confronted with decisions around career and relationship. In the practical, survivalist world I came from, there was no time to waste. Decisions had to be made quickly, positions had to be claimed, even if they weren’t true to path. But in the authentic world I longed for, significant decisions had to be made slowly, because it often took years to clarify the soul’s journey. Because it took years to distinguish true path from conditioned path. Because it took years to learn the lessons necessary to inform significant directional decisions. What they call a late-bloomer in a survivalist world, I call a grounded grower in an authentic world. Better to take our time and root our decisions in a deep knowing, than race to a path that is not truly our own.

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