Monday, December 7, 2020

Jeff Brown: Bringing Story and Soul Into Sacred Balance

So wise and true. Integration is the antidote 
to disassociation. Molly

I often see people in terms of their stories. In their stories, I see their souls. I marvel at what I see
their astonishing overcomings, the threads and textures weaving through their lives, the ways that the soul’s imprint lives itself out in their choices and patterns. It’s all story, all the time. There was a time when I needed to distinguish my story from my soul. I needed to pull up and away from my habitual ways of being, I needed to ‘turn around’ my story so that I could see it through a vaster lens. This was perfect for awhile, but it was soon revealed as a preliminary step on the road to integration. Because there is no actual bifurcation between soul and story. Story both reflects and evolves our soul’s journey. Soul is indistinguishable from the storied self that roots it. Until we bring story and soul into sacred balance, we are like birds with one wing- flying in haphazard circles. It's just another transcendence bypass. Coming into life means coming into all of it. The story of the soul. The whole-iest book of all.

Jeff Brown  

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