Sunday, November 8, 2020

Van Jones' Tearful Response to the Defeat of Trump — And Why It Should Matter To All Of Us

This just made me weep. So many things are touching into both deep, deep grief and relief for millions of people. And we still have such a long, long ways to go. 

That said, yesterday, today, we can say that this is a good day. We have turned a corner and there is light at the end of the tunnel. While millions of us have experienced great pain over these past four years, too many have suffered extraordinary trauma specifically under the Trump regime — and this certainly includes all who Mr. Trump has projected his own self-loathing onto. 

Now we are able to breathe. Now a new doorway is opening and the nightmare of the administration under DJT will be closing. And we must remember that he has been but a horrifying symptom of so much that has long, long been denied and neglected that we can no longer afford to turn our eyes and hearts away from. 

It is time. It is time to heal ourselves, our nation, and beyond. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will not do this alone. This transformative change, this paradigm shift that is underway asks of each of us to do our part in the great universal struggle for racial, economic, social, and environmental justice. We are all needed, all related, all in this together. Another world is possible. It is up to us. — Molly

‘Character matters. It matters. Telling the truth matters.’ — Watch Van Jones choke up as he explains why Biden’s victory is such an emotional moment for people across America.

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