Sunday, November 29, 2020

Olivia Marie: Psalm of Gratitude

This powerful, wise, and beautiful prayer was written on Thanksgiving Day by my longtime sister and dear friend, Olivia Oso. A deep and loving gift. Hands clasped, deep bow of gratitude for so very much... Molly

"The Blessing Way", cc Olivia Marie

Psalm of Gratitude 

Raising my eyes east toward the rising sun, I sing out to the Morning star and welcome a new day.

Grateful for the Sun,

For the gift of Light,

For the Holy fire,

And the beginning of rest of my life.

I sing the old songs of ancient ancestors and I remember those who walked on...upon this earth before me.  I call out to the eagle spirit and I give thanks for all winged-ones.

I turn to the south, towards my family, my communities, and I remember the Loved ones of my Heart.

I am grateful for the earth and all my relations.

I sing praise to to Pachamama, Unci Maka...Beloved Mother.

I call out to the Grandmothers,

Asking Her for guidance.

I send out prayers to all the Spirits,

For all beings and I say "Pilamaya".

I am grateful for the standing ones,

for the Sacred Tree of Life.

My heart says, Thank you!

for my shelter, my clothing, my food...

My Breath.

I sing out to the four-leggeds...

grateful that they help me remember my wild nature 

and my connection to the animal kingdom.

I pray for all the two-leggeds across the lands and seas...  remembering our sacred hoop of life.

I especially remember the indigenous relatives from the four winds and how they lived in right relationship with the land.  

I honor all the the First Nation people of this place where I live now live... for the Multnomah, Chinook, Clackamath, Klamath and Piyute and so many more... whose territory we now occupy.  I ask for their forgiveness for the wrongs which were inflected upon them and their culture.  

I turn to the West and give thanks for holy sacred waters...

for the rivers, lakes, oceans that bless us, nurture us and gives us Life.  I pray for all the finned ones and creatures of the sea.

I am in so much gratitude for the healing waters that bless us, quenches our thirst and purifies our bodies. 

I am blessed and I am grateful.

I turn to the North and remember all those who have walked on...whose Spirits are behind the veil and guiding us from the world beyond. I give thanks for the songs, for the blessings they left behind as wisdom for living our lives in a good way..

In the Present as a gift from Creator.

I am grateful for the silence of nature and the invitation to "go within"...

For holy darkness to connect to the Great Mysteries.  

I am thankful for the moments of insight...reflection and the opportunities to "Listen".

I look upward towards the Heavens and the Cosmos, remembering that we are all cooling sacks of stars, here on earth for a purpose and cause.  

I give thanks to the planetary bodies, 

to Grandmother Moon and the Milky Way.  

Grateful for the matrix of life and my place in it.

I look down to my feet as it stands on Mother Earth

Feeling the energy of the sacred.  

I am grateful for all She gives to us 

I am thankful for my ancestors..for their DNA and for whose shoulders I stand upon.  

I am grateful to this place, I call home on Turtle island and for all the beauty that surround me.

I am blessed.

I touch my Heart, as I stand in the center of my own hoop, grateful for all that is...

Grateful for this Precious Life

Thankful for the Ancestors looking this way.

I feel especially grateful today for all First Nation people across Turtle Island for paving the way for all of us who live here on Sacred earth.  Pilamaya.

 Mitakuye Oyasin... (we are all related)......blessed be.   


Olivia Marie


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For more paintings by Olivia Marie, please go here: 

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