Friday, November 20, 2020

Democratic Congressmembers Reelect Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House

Disgusted. And so disturbing. If you want to look at a woman who is blind to how entrenched she is in patriarchal systems, just look at Nancy Pelosi. Her documented record is one of being a strong proponent and enabler of patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalism and one of acting on behalf of her wealthy donor friends rather than We the People and the planet. Pelosi and the whole corporate wing of the DNC and all of the RNC have long, long needed to be defeated and replaced by those with actual integrity and consciousness instead of those who are in bed with Wall Street, the fossil fuel industry, the military industrial complex, the pharmaceutical and insurance industries, and other toxic wealthy corporate interests. The welfare of us all is utterly dependent on freeing ourselves from the deadly power and greed of dark money and belief systems which are rooted in the patriarchal ideology of domination, an ideology which has long infested and been destroying both political parties, our nation, and the Earth. Another world is possible! — Molly

On Capitol Hill, House Democrats voted Wednesday to keep Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the House for two more years. Pelosi said she will relinquish the role after the 2022 midterm elections.

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