Thursday, October 15, 2020

The Multiple Reasons Why the Nomination of Amy Coney Barrett For the Highest Court HORRIFIES Me

With all of the information that has emerged from the confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett, I have grown increasingly horrified. Not only are these hearings incredibly illegitimate occurring just 3 weeks before the election, and even more so after democrats were blocked for nearly a year in the last term of Obama's presidency to put forth a candidate for the Supreme Court, but the candidate who the Republican Party is putting forward today stands for the extreme polar opposite from Ruth Bader Ginsberg, whose seat Barrett is set to replace. The injustice, the hypocrisy, the lack of integrity, the crushing of democracy and legitimacy, and the horrors of what Barrett represents chills me to the bone. She doesn't even agree that the truth of man made climate change is settled rather than still something debatable. Horrifying! This woman is dangerous! The videos posted here are just a glimpse into why... Molly

Amy Coney Barrett refuses to tell Kamala Harris if she thinks climate change is happening

Democratic vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris has continued to grill supreme court nominee Amy Coney Barrett on a range of issues, including climate change and racial discrimination in the US. Harris pressed Barrett on whether she believed coronavirus was infectious, smoking caused cancer and climate change was happening. Barrett avoided answering directly to a number of issues during the questioning, including one from Democratic senator Cory Booker on whether it was wrong to separate children from their parents to deter immigrants coming to the US

Amy Coney Barrett gives HORRIFYING answer on

allowing Trump to delay election


Amy Coney Barrett HUMILIATES herself,

FORGETS First Amendment when asked


Senator Blumenthal questions Amy Coney Barrett

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., questioned Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Oct. 14, the third day of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Blumenthal asked Barrett about her legal position regarding judicial decisions on a range of “fundamental” cases, including Lawrence v. Texas, “which held that the government cannot criminalize gay and lesbian relationships,” and Obergefell v. Hodges, which upheld marriage equality.

Sen. Blumenthal, every time you ask me a question about whether a case was correctly decided or not, I cannot answer that question because I cannot suggest agreement or disagreement with precedents of the Supreme Court,” Barrett said. “All of those precedents bind me now as Seventh Circuit judge, and were I to be confirmed, I would be responsible for applying the law of stare decisis to all of them.”

In response to her answer, Blumenthal stated that he believes “a lot of Americans will be scared by the idea that people who want to simply marry or have a relationship with the person they love could find it criminalized” or “could find marriage equality cut back." He added that “it would be an America where I would not want to live.”

To suggest that that’s the kind of America I want to create isn’t based in any facts in my record,” Barrett said.

Blumenthal also asked Barrett to speak to her position on climate change, quoting a response she gave during yesterday’s hearing in which she said she would not say she “has firm views on it.” He asked if she believes human beings have caused global warming.

I don’t think that my views on global warming or climate change are relevant to the job I would do as a judge, nor do I feel like I have views that are informed enough, and I haven’t studied scientific data,” Barrett said. “I’m not really in a position to offer any kind of informed opinion on what I think causes [global warming].”

The hearing came about three weeks before Election Day. 

 Senator Klobuchar Questions Judge Barrett

Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., questioned Judge Amy Coney Barrett on Oct. 14, the third day of the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Klobuchar asked about mail-in voting and election integrity, whether Trump's position on the Affordable Care Act squares with Barrett's own legal writing on the Obama-era health law and how she would rule on cases related to freedom of the press. The hearing came about three weeks before Election Day. The third of four days of scheduled testimony gave senators another opportunity to ask Barrett about her record and approach to the law. 

Sen. Whitehouse Gives Presentation On 'Dark Money' Influence On Supreme Court Nomination

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse used his time at the confirmation hearing for Judge Amy Coney Barrett to give a presentation about how "dark money" was playing a role in the Supreme Court nomination process. 


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