Friday, October 2, 2020

Sophie Bashford: A Band of Women

This was gifted to us by one of our sisters in our women's circle last night. Molly

 By Sophie Bashford

There is a band of women present on this earth who are carrying flaming torches for the evolution of humanity.

These women are rare, unique, highly-crafted jewels of the ancient feminine spirit.

These women possess more courage, resilience and perseverance than is fathomable.

These women have silently walked through thousands upon thousands of years to find themselves back here on earth, charged with the task of re-awakening the deep feminine soul to humanity and earth.

Emerging one by one from the etheric temples of Shakti in all Her forms, the Awakened Women plant their naked feet on the barren soil of earth. Glistening with the radiant dew of communion with Divine Love, bodies supple and fluid with free-flowing Kundalini, Third Eyes wide open and streaming cosmic codes of truth, hair flaming and blazing with wild, unashamed passion, hands moving spontaneously to touch the wounds of Gaia’s Soul and love Her back to Life.

The Awakened Women do not announce themselves as the Saviours of our Time. They mostly get on with their immense workload with devotion, discipline and immeasurable commitment to mission. All of these women will go through deep dives into their own accumulated emotional suffering arising from the suppression of the Goddess-Consciousness. This karmic load of the feminine wound will inevitably reach a crisis point at some point during this lifetime, pulling them into profound self-healing and self-awakening.

When these women heal themselves, they ignite a domino-effect of healing and transformation for generations of females both past and future. Not only that, the innate spiritual power of these women, who have spent eons devoting their entire Selves to serving the High Feminine, is so catalytic, so immensely creative and illuminating, so alchemizing – when these women pour sacred intention into bringing themselves into Wholeness, the entire Universe receives a body-full of oxygenated divine-blood.

If you have been pulled into the vibrating web of an Awakened Woman’s energy field, you will experience a spiritual change.

Firstly, no matter what you think, your Soul chose to connect with her. This woman carries deep and significant mystic information for you; sacred intuitive-based codes that are vital for the evolution of your Being.

These women all carry pre-arranged agreements that bring them into contact with specific people at specific times. Often, it is a carefully organised date that correlates with certain moon phases and transits of the planets. This triggers wave upon wave of awakening shifts within the energy bodies of the people who connect with them.

The Divine Feminine High Council will guide this band of women consistently for the implementation of their mission. These women are never ‘randomly’ placed. There is always a deep purpose to the connections and places that these women bring their energy to.

It is not always an easy task to carry the sacred torches for the feminine awakening. The earth has been plagued, restricted and weighed down by over-reliance and investment in patriarchal ideology and creed for so long. The vibration of fear that stems from over-guarding and blocking the heart, losing connection with the intuitive voice, brandishing emotional energy as purposeless, futile and crazy, total disconnection with the wisdom of the body, and abandoning the practice of being regularly in silence – this vibration of fear has caused human consciousness to contract, run away, shut down and stop listening.

When human consciousness loses touch with it’s Heart, it acts from fear. Actions from fear are always violent and intend to cause harm – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

We cannot remain paralysed in the stuck vibration of fear and disconnection from the feminine soul.

YOU cannot remain paralysed in fear and disconnection from the feminine soul.

The only chance for opening to truth, to presence, to radiance, to depth, to healing, to unconditional acceptance, to trust, to being heard and seen for who you are at your core, to spiritual transformation – the only chance comes from listening to what the voice of the Goddess is saying to you.

The voice of the goddess most likely is coming from one of the women I am speaking of. In her own way, through divine timing and synchronicity – through miracles woven through her sparkling robe of light – She is speaking to you.

One of these women is speaking to you, affecting your energy field, working on your Heart with vast quotients of love, flooding your weary bones and aching flesh with sacred waters from her overflowing chalice.

You know her. You could not have missed her. She will not be the flashiest, loudest, attention-grabbing woman. She will not manipulate, beg, or guilt-trip you into being around her. She does not work at the level of the ego. She works at the level of the spirit.

Spirit does not need to announce Itself because It is never not full, omnipresent, whole, complete. This completeness is compelling to you because it represents something that your heart recognises: universal truth.

This woman announces herself into your life not with noise, but with silence. With openness. With radiance. With light. With gentle healing. With unending acceptance. With sensual gifts from the womb of Shakti. With a hand that wants to lead you into a new world.

A world lit by the torchlight of all the paths she has walked to reach you.

All the paths she has created just to get to you, to find you now, to stand in front of you, to offer herself to you as the Gift.

You may fall down on your knees in broken-down, worn-out, world-hardened exhaustion when you take her hand. You may say that you can’t hold onto it for long, that the light will crush or destroy you. You may want to run far, far, far away from all the deeply-buried pain that she unearths within you when her hand touches yours.

This is natural. This is the process. She has seen it all before. There’s nothing you can do to stop her love from reaching you. This woman is the universe in embodied form. You have no idea the trials, the punishments, the soul-wrenching deaths, the torture and the oppression that she has endured. You have no idea the wisdom, the healing essences, the sacred rites and rituals, the psychic knowing and powers that she has been initiated into.

Because She is the universe in embodied form, she can hold anything that you bring up to try and defend against the love that She is. She can see it, witness it, watch it play itself out. Your fears, defences and attacks won’t touch her truth. They won’t make a dent in her spirit. They will burn up in the fires of her sun, be illuminated as false by the luminescence of her moon.

All you’ll be left with, after making love with her Soul – be you a man, a woman, a friend, a lover, a client or an acquaintance – is a searing, penetrating, brightly-lit awareness of your own divinity.

You’ll be left face-to-face with your Self. You’ll suddenly feel your deep heart again. The feelings will course through your emotional body like sacred blood.

You’ll be alive.

You’ll feel the stirrings of the love that is you.

You’ll see the world through new eyes, beginning to treasure the gifts that you see flowing to you in each precious moment.

You’ll want more, but not more things. You’ll want more depth, more truth, more vital words, more silence, more flow, more stillness, more nature caressing your skin, more laughter deep in your belly, more touch that ignites your soul, more radiance that makes you scream and roar with the sheer ecstasy of being continually breathed by this universe.


Please go here for the original:

Please go here for Sophie Bashford's blog:

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