Saturday, October 24, 2020

SCOTUS Nominee Barrett Was Trustee of School That Bans LGBTQ Students, Faculty

Horrendous! It's hard to have words for how angry 
I am and how chilling this is. I join millions 
of others who are absolutely horrified.
 — Molly 

The Associated Press has revealed Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett served for nearly three years on the board of a private Christian school which barred openly gay teachers and effectively barred admission to children of same-sex parents. Trinity Schools ran schools in Indiana, Minnesota and Virginia. It is affiliated with the secretive religious group People of Praise, of which Barrett is a longtime member. The schools teach students that homosexuality is an abomination against God. The Senate Judiciary Committee is planning to vote on Barrett’s confirmation on Thursday despite protests by Democrats who accuse Republicans of rushing her confirmation ahead of the election.  

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