Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Lauren Worsh: The Deep Work

Deep bow of gratitude to Lauren Worsh for this powerful, compassionate, and wise truth. Much needed tender and loving medicine for these traumatic times. Molly


In this society, the strain on the mental health of any person with a sincere heart is no joke, in this society in which all the power structures are rotten to the core, and unable to sustain their own weight any longer.

Please do not expect yourself to be functioning like a good little capitalist right now. You get to feel broken open or numb or enraged or despairing or confused... You get to feel whatever you may be feeling, and it’s okay to have no answers.
I think a lot of the time we don’t acknowledge even to ourselves how uneasy and afraid we feel. Or how exhausted. Or whatever it is... We’ve been trained within an inch of our lives to suppress all emotions and energies incompatible with obedience to the norms and entitlements of the ruling classes.
All that programming and propaganda has done a number on us. And then to go through the process of gradually seeing through the firewall of lies we’ve been sold... It takes a lot of care and attention to your deeper needs to move through transformative times like this and the breakdown of belief systems, and survive them. This breaking down of these massive constructs of lies is deep work, so please understand that also having deep needs is valid, and good.
Whether or not the world will meet all our legit needs right now, we still are unconditionally worthy of it, so let go of the habit of judging your very real needs.
You do not forever have to hold everything ‘together’. It’s healthy to fall apart sometimes. It’s necessary.
Never shame yourself for it.
Lauren Worsh

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