Saturday, October 24, 2020

Jeremy Scahill: “Trump Is Not the Root of the Problem, He Is a Product of American Imperial History”

Bless independent award winning journalist and author Jeremy Scahill and all the truth-tellers who courageously offer us the opportunity again and again to see past and through our own biases, illusions, ignorance, and indoctrination. — Molly

From Democracy Now!   

Donald Trump ran for president in 2016 with a mixed message of attacking the legacy of the Iraq War and U.S. military adventurism, while simultaneously pledging to commit war crimes and promote imperialism. As we look back at Trump’s record, Jeremy Scahill, co-founder of The Intercept, says his flouting of international norms and bullying of other countries is in keeping with how U.S. presidents have long behaved. “Donald Trump is not the root of the problem. Donald Trump is a product of American imperial history,” Scahill notes. 

Jeremy Scahill: "At the end of 2019, you had more than 180 House Democrats vote for a record-shattering military budget for Donald Trump. Only 40-something Democrats opposed it. And that record-shattering, more than $22 billion, greater than any Obama-era military budget was a bipartisan product. Nothing brings the Democrats and the Republicans together more than a cruise missile strike or policy on — U.S. policy on Israel." 

Please go here for the full original interview, transcript, and additional links:

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