Wednesday, October 28, 2020

If You Are Still On the Fence

Thank you to Carrie Renfro Boatwright for this. So well articulated and powerfully said! Deep bow of respect and gratitude for each strong voice of truth which shines bright light upon these dark times. Our voices matter! Truth Matters! Acting out of the consciousness of the highest good matters! — Molly 


I need to get this out,

To whom it may concern, (Especially Women), who may have a question if the President should be re elected, wasn't the past four years enough? If you are still on the fence, educate yourself, research, look beyond your standard sources of information. Trump has much in common with Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein and even R Kelly. Ring any bells? Is Trump someone you want dating your daughter, your grand daughter? He nominated Brent Kavanaugh... remember Christine Blasey Ford's testimony? How soon we forget.
Is he the leader that will bring us all together? Are we all better for his Presidency?
in 2017, Trump nominated Alexander Acosta to be Labor Secretary. Acosta approved a plea deal in 2008 for Jeffrey Epstein, a pedophile and human-trafficking ring-leader, allowing him to escape prosecution for another 11 years before he was finally caught for good. Acosta resigned shortly after. Maybe you don't care how Trump speaks about women, " grab them by the p---y", remember that?, maybe you don't care how he feels about black people, promoting doubt Obama was not a US citizen, saying the Central Park 5 (circa 1989) needed to be executed. Look at the video of him speaking about those young black boys who were falsely accused. He took out full page adds in the NY Times calling for their demise. Heinous. Stand down, stand by, very fine people on both sides, how much more do you need? His appalling treatment of Latinos, the wall, Muslims.
If you don't care about Trump's attitude and treatment of women, black people, Latinos, Muslims, those not born in the US, same sex marriage and our LGBTQ community, maybe the handling of COVID matters?, he continues to blame China, takes no responsibility of pitting States against one another to compete for PPE and life saving supplies. He continues to deny the facts of science. He says Russian interference is a hoax, despite what the FBI and intelligence advisors have proof of. If these things don't matter, he is your man.
Trump has granted many interviews over the years, there are several documentaries about his life before he became president. He has discredited experts, our voting system and continues to plant the seeds of doubt, causing division among many. Wake up people. Don't take my word for it, read, read, read, educate and research for YOURSELF!. Don't be complicit. Its never to late for enlightenment.
And no, he has not done more for blacks than Abraham Lincoln, in case you are on the fence about that too.
Love conquers all. Be well.

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