Thursday, October 29, 2020

As 54 Million U.S. Residents Struggle for Food, Senate Adjourns Without Passing Relief Bill

This is insane. I weep as I drive by all the tents I pass in the Portland/Vancouver area. This is WRONG!! No one should be homeless, hungry, and without healthcare and ready access to vital social services. No one! The sooner more and more of us see through the lies of American exceptionalism — the lies that neoliberal capitalism is good and democratic socialism is bad, the lies that the American dream is obtainable for anyone who just works hard enough, the lies that racial and economic justice has been achieved, the lies that the astronomical funding of the American war machine is needed to spread democracy abroad and keeps us safe at home, the lies that only one political party has been corrupted by huge corporate interests, and on and on the sooner our numbers will grow demanding the radical changes vital to democracy and to a just, caring, and equitable society and nation. — Molly

President Trump said Tuesday that any deal on a new stimulus bill would have to wait until after the November election. Trump’s comments came after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell adjourned the Senate until November 9 following Monday’s vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. This comes as more than 54 million U.S. residents are struggling to afford food, according to the hunger relief organization Feeding America. Here in New York, the food bank operator City Harvest says 2.5 million people don’t have enough money for basic necessities. This is Guillermo Lugo, manager of a food distribution market in the Bronx.

Guillermo Lugo: “The average at this market was about 200-250 families. Since the onset of the pandemic, the average attendance at this market is 650 families. And it doesn’t seem to be slowing down.”  

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