Friday, September 18, 2020

Highly Recommended — Frontline Documentary: United States of Conspiracy

This film is yet another excellent and incredibly chilling exposé of the state of poisonous and pervasive propaganda in America. There is an urgency that we develop conscious awareness of what is happening and how we can ensure that we do not unknowingly become part of perpetuating that which is deeply harmful to the well-being of individuals, our nation, and the planet. Our blindness and ignorance of so much has resulted in the likes of Alex Jones playing a significant role in elevating Donald Trump into the White House which is something that I did not know until I watched this documentary. 

There is so much that I have been unaware of, and the deeper my dive into what has been happening, the greater my recognition of my own ignorance and how in the dark I have been. And, sadly, I am certainly not alone. 

There is a vital need for us to step up and truly embrace an ongoing and profound commitment to pursuing the truth and wherever it may lead. We must. Being informed, being strong voices of truth, discernment of which resources to trust or not trust, and standing united in the great universal struggle for racial, economic, social, and environmental justice is an imperative. Everything, absolutely everything, that we love and cherish is at stake. Molly

United States of Conspiracy

How trafficking in conspiracy theories went from the fringes of U.S. politics into the White House. An investigation of the alliance among conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, longtime Trump associate Roger Stone and the president — and their role in the battle over truth and lies. As the coronavirus pandemic continues, America reckons with racism and the 2020 election looms, “United States of Conspiracy” investigates how Jones and InfoWars, Stone, and Trump helped to lay the foundation for conspiracy theories to take center stage in America’s national conversation, how the idea of truth itself became part of America’s divide, and what it means for the future of our democracy. #ConspiracyTheories #USPolitics #Documentaries

Please go here for the original:

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