Friday, July 24, 2020

Olivia Oso: Be Grateful for the Sweetness in Your Heart and Share It Out in the World

From my longtime friend and dear sister Olivia Oso. Powerful! Beautiful! Eloquent, wise, and true. So needed. 🙏🏽💜 Molly

Painting cc Olivia Marie
My heart is with all the moms who are rising up here in Portland.....I would be out there with them, if I could....I can't take the chance however especially because of Carl being high risk with Covid.... and I join you all in the rising up and showing your support for this new revolution that is rising. I put a lot of prayers into a recent painting.....

her writings;
with Honey in Her Heart, She speaks,

May the chambers of your Heart be open…
May you witness the truth of this moment in time…
May you not turn away…
instead be present.
Present to the sufferings…
to the rivers of grief…
to the TRUTH being revealed and remembered…
to the painful events of the history of this land upon which you walk.
Listen and hear the stories of racism, injustice, systematic violence and wrong doings of our society…across time and space.
Hear the cries of the world.
See more clearly to what is arising across the lands…through the eyes of love, compassion and humanity.
Know that you are related to all people..
the black..
the brown..
the red…
the yellow..
the mixed…
to all humans on this planet Earth.
Remember the four elements of life within your body…
honor that your people come from the four directions and the four winds across the globe.
We all share the same AIR…FIRE…EARTH and WATER…
This life is precious and sacred.
Reconcile within you that which is broken..loss.
Heal the prejudices within your own heart,
Uncover that which is hidden in your subconscious and get honest with oneself. Find the threads of connection and be willing to surrender and let go of the “programing” and falsehoods you took on and accepted as truth.
May you begin to challenge the “old ideas of thinking” that separate you from the real truth of what has happened in the history of this world.
Instead join the Revolution which is arising…
RISE UP and Stand together for the RIGHTS of Humanity,
for Equality and Justice for all.
Make a commitment to honor Diversity and differences…
Embrace and celebrate the rainbow colors of all peoples from all nations.
Stand up against violence of any kind and proclaim your support for all beings Remember your Ancestors and the bones which you stand upon.
be free of harm, prejudice and injustice.
Take up instead a cause for Peace...Forgiveness…Reconciliation, and healing.
Be willing to Witness and listen to the cries of the Earth and all her people.
The Tide is shifting. A full moon opens the gates to feeling the emotions of the pervasive grief which flows across this world.
Honor those Spirits which are leaving this Earth plane….
may you sing them ‘home’.
Respect the preciousness of all Life…
Make a difference and share your gifts and know your piece of the Red thread.
May you weave your love,
voice your truth
and share your beauty in the honeycomb of life.
Be grateful for the sweetness which is found in your heart…
share it out in the world. “ The world needs it.
Long life, 13 Thank you’s and honey in the heart, Honey Rose

Please go here for more information on Olivia 
and her beautiful art:

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