Saturday, July 4, 2020

Frank Ostaseski: We Have To Remind Each Other of What We Have Forgotten

This is such a tender post from Frank Ostaseski. Beautiful and touches my heart.

This also reminds me of my mother, who died two weeks ago today. I sat with my 94 year old mama — as did my husband and Mom's grandsons — over the course of the seven days of her dying.

This was my second mother, who at age 87 began to open her heart and experience a partial awakening from the tortured prison of her lifelong severe narcissistic illness. And she was ultimately transformed from an often violent and brutal person to the loving mother and human being I’d mistakenly believed was forever gone. I’ve learned to remember to not underestimate the extraordinary power of kindness, touch, tenderness, compassion, and love.

I’m also re-reading Frank’s extraordinary book, The Five Invitations — Such good medicine for the heart and soul. — Molly

Photo credit: Raja Hornstein
We have to remind each other of what we have forgotten. Remember that we don’t need be someone special to be a healing presence. Each of us has the capacity to embrace another person’s suffering. We can have confidence in our kindness.

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