Saturday, July 25, 2020

Frank Ostaseski: The Coronavirus in America and Attending to and Transforming the Core Wound of Separation

Wow. This just makes me weep and touches my heart so deeply. Hearing such a depth of awareness, compassion, wisdom and love is so breathtaking and such a soothing balm to my heart and the hearts of all who are able to embrace the truth and essence of what is spoken to here. Deep bow of gratitude and love to my beloved teacher Frank Ostaseski. We are all interrelated, all family. 🙏🏽💜 Molly

 Imagine if Each Wave of the Sea Wanted to Declare its Freedom and Independence from the Ocean
I was writing a friend in Europe who was distressed about the way Americans are dealing with the virus. I responded:

It is indeed very distressing. And, I wish it were only a matter of political leadership. Of course, that is a disaster.

However, in the USA what I see is a more fundamental and deeper cause of our suffering that engages my compassionate heart.

The pain from the core wound of separation is running rampant. Caused by being cut off from a clear realization of our true and essential nature. It is literally heartbreaking.

This old unattended pain, arising from the long-held misperception of our inseparable nature is certainly a facet of the root cause of the suffering that is so apparent. It leads to increased delusion, clinging to affinity groups of people who hold similar beliefs in a desperate attempt to belong, and to so much harmful selfish action. In the USA this ignorance, by which I mean "misperception of Reality" takes the form of elevating “individual rights“, wants and childish freedoms above concern for our fellow humans and our fragile planet. We have removed our self from the fabric of Reality, and come to believe and invest in the myth of separation. Having fallen into forgetfulness we mistakenly give the individual almost divine status.

If it wasn’t so harmful and destructive it would almost be comical. Imagine if each wave of the sea wanted to declare its freedom and independence from the ocean!

Each of us are in fact individual, differentiated, beautifully unique.... but not separate. No more than the waves in all their beauty and power are ever apart, separate from the ocean.

And because I know the pain of that forgetfulness in my own life, due to my continuous string of errors and misperceptions.... my heart is deeply touched by the current suffering in our floating world, that is a manifestation of this misperception.

Love is not a gated community. Everyone. every part of ourselves and everything even the seemingly unloveable, are invited and included in Love's embrace. May we be wise and fiercely compassionate.

I continue to highly recommend Frank's book, The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Has To Teach Us About Living Fully

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