Friday, June 26, 2020

Remembering My Parents On Their 71st Wedding Anniversary

My beautiful parents. My mother had just turned 23 and my dad was a month short of his 34th birthday.
Reception was at the Detroit Yacht Club on Belle Island, Detroit, Michigan.
An amazing cake!
My parents, Jack and Nancy Strong, and grandparents — Frederick and Marjorie Strong and Marvin and Amalia Moesta.
Such a happy moment for my parents.
My parents were married on June 25th, 1949 at Christ Church, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. This year would have marked their 71st wedding anniversary. Theirs was a much shorter marriage which ended after 26 years when my 60 year old father's died on November 13th 1975. His death was brought on by complications related to pneumonia after he'd been bitten by a tick while on vacation in Alberta, Canada that gave him Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

I cherish the precious moments captured in these photographs, and even more so now following my mother's death at age 94 on June 20th. Today my heart is filled with gratitude, very much including for both of my beloved parents.


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