Saturday, June 6, 2020

Honoring My Mother On Her 94th Birthday

Ron and me with my mother, June 5th, 2020
Yesterday we celebrated my mother’s birthday. So amazing that my mom is 94!

When Ron and I first arrived, my mother was awake and dressed and sitting in her recliner. She also was initially in this place of staring vacantly and remaining expressionless when we greeted her. I didn’t know if she’d shift into some degree of awareness, lucidity, and presence or not. Every day when I come, I’m always without expectations and simply surrendered into whatever space my mother is in and the deep consciousness of the need to extend my tenderness, acceptance, and love unconditionally.
Gratefully, my mom gradually came back more into her body and heart and was able to receive and experience some of our moments together. When asked how she’s doing today, she also responded “sleepy.” Even the simplest responses are such a gift now.
There were also video calls with great-grandkids and all three of her grandsons and Kevin’s Arlyne. Everyone sang happy birthday. And little 2 year old Eleanor said loudly, “Hi! Hi!” So sweet. And so precious to be together as four generations.
This is the last birthday for my mama and for us to gather generationally as we did this June 5th. Because of her decline, this was also a very different celebration than previous years. That said, it’s a miracle that my mother is still here.
An integral and vital part of this miracle — and which is absolutely why she has lived this long — is rooted in the deeper truth of how over the past seven years my mother has been able to receive the experience of being immersed in the love of family. Given the severity of a mental illness which had compelled her to push away love throughout her adult life, this is the most extraordinary miracle of all.
Again and again I return to this eternal gratitude for the love that is at the heart of our family and all the exquisite gifts that my mama and I and all of us have shared together. The power of this love and grace shall always live on within our hearts and souls. Blessed be. ?￰゚マᄐ?? Molly

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