Sunday, May 24, 2020


Memorial Day

This Memorial Day we remember all who have died in war and understand that no one wins in war. Many of us have been personally touched by war. But we must also extend that mourning. We must remember the civilian victims, and their families, who are all equally human beings. Honoring and remembering some deaths while ignoring others not only perpetuates war, but also ignores the moral injuries of war, which some now recognize as a significant cause of veteran suicide.

There are people who profit from war, mainly those who invest in the defense industry or the oil sector. But the veterans and civilians who survive war suffer for the rest of their lives. And the entire society is robbed of billions of tax dollars which could be spent on jobs, education, healthcare, infrastructure and sustainable energy.
The events of the last few months have revealed what you have always known, the world is interconnected in a deep way and what affects one of us can affect all of us. We know that you have known this because you joined Veterans For Peace to speak out against militarism and the disastrous effects that our country has on many countries around the world. 
Veterans For Peace has commemorated Memorial Day every year to remember the true costs of war. We know that this year physical gatherings are not possible even as the current virus has revealed the massive need to put people over the pentagon and the need to fund healthcare and human needs over the massive expenses of the military. 

Please go here for the original:

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