Thursday, May 28, 2020

They Were Us. He Is Not.

Trump has a devastating amount of suffering and death on his hands. These are human beings. So heartbreaking, so horrifying, so preventable....

It also needs to be affirmed again and again, that these catastrophic
losses due to the pandemic, our warming climate, endless wars, crushing poverty, and heartbreaking suffering occurring across our nation and the world began long before Trump. The current occupant of the White House, and the powerful who act as his sociopathic enablers, just put the neoliberal agenda of unspeakable greed and disregard for life on steroids. We need to know this — that Trump is but a horrifying symptom of the millennia long ruling ideology of domination which has swept our country from the very beginning and impacts our whole beautiful hurting planet. It isn't just Trump, who must be our priority to replace, but also the whole predatory neoliberal capitalist system which brought us Trump and to this place of multiple crises which imperil life on Earth. 
Another world is possible, one that embodies partnership and inclusivity,
justice and generosity, caring and compassion, peace and wisdom and love. — Molly


With US Covid-19 deaths lurching toward 100,000, the entire front page of Sunday's New York Times was a mournful, grisly  grid: a vast, six-column-wide, black-and-white roster - no photos or graphics - of death notices of victims from across the country. In a stunning but succinct condemnation of where we are and how we got here, the Times listed their names and brief, all-too-human bios: “Alan Lund, 81, Washington, conductor with ‘the most amazing ear’...Theresa Elloie, 63, New Orleans, renowned for (her) detailed pins and corsages...Coby Adolph, 44, Chicago, entrepreneur and adventurer..." and, yes, John Prine, of blessed memory. "They Were Not Simply Names on a List," read the sub-head. "They Were Us." They are also, most shockingly, just 1% of the nation's coronavirus deaths - all that fit on the page. With the grim milestone of 100,000 approaching, the Times' John Grippe explained, a team of editors, researchers and student journalists sought "some way to try to reckon with that number" to depict "the uniqueness of each life lost." On the same day, the sociopath most responsible for that carnage went golfing, just like he did the day before. He also tweeted a deranged rant about Joe Scarborough and his fictional murder: "A blow to her head? Body found under his desk? Left Congress suddenly? Big topic of discussion in Florida...and, he’s a Nut Job (with bad ratings). Keep digging, use forensic geniuses!" WTF. On Memorial Day, amidst a catastrophic pandemic, with the now-daily number of deaths exceeding those on 9/11: Ladies and Gentlemen, the Impeached President of the United States. No words left. Stay safe, vote the monster out, and may he die in prison.
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 Please go here for the original article:

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