Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Saluting the Heroes of the Coronavirus Pandumbic

This is an incredibly powerful short video which puts on full display the horrifying and pervasive poisonous nature of American propaganda. 

It is also true that even more deadly and catastrophic than these lies found on right wing media regarding this pandemic is the silence and complicity, distraction and doubt, denial and minimization propagated by the American corporate funded mainstream media regarding reporting to us the facts about the peril our warming planet poses to humanity and to all life on Earth. As I heard yet again on independent media this morning, there is a war on science whose roots are embedded in greed and the utter determination to continue to line the pockets of the most wealthy while displaying a sociopathic disregard for the welfare of life on Earth. Neoliberal free market predatory capitalism will be propped up no matter the cost, the rest of us be damned. I've written about this greatest betrayal of truth and empowering Americans to be an informed citizenry many times, including here: https://mollystrongheart.blogspot.com/2019/07/my-letter-to-npr-and-pbs-why-i-cannot.html. It is vital for us to understand that the crisis of the coronavirus pales next to the climate crisis. 

So while I post the vastness of these lies related to the pandemic by right wing media and their devastating consequences, I also need to affirm that it's vital to not get complacent through ignorance, denial, or minimization about the most deadly lies and complicity that can be found in all mainstream American media. If we had a media that truly embodied a profound commitment to truth, and which held the powerful accountable rather than acting as their mouthpieces and enablers, what we hear broadcast on our radios, TV, and other media day in and day out for years now would be the facts about the impending civilization collapse and extinction we're faced with if we fail to collectively inform ourselves about the climate crisis and act to bring about dramatic and systemic change. Instead, we're now in the sixth major extinction with this one being the first massive extinction that is human caused. 

And, of course, our warming planet will also be the root cause of the emergence of more and more pandemics. This is vital for us to understand.

Yes, the truth about the betrayals related to COVID-19 and all the deaths that could have been prevented is beyond horrifying and heartbreaking. And, again, these deaths will pale next to our inaction, ignorance, and the proliferation of lies and greed and doubt and silence related to the climate and ecological crises. On all fronts, we need to mobilize and work collaboratively to effect the kinds of radical changes that will dismantle the systems of death and in their place create a world which cherishes life rather than destroys it. Another world is possible. — Molly

Hannity. Rush. Dobbs. Ingraham. Pirro. Nunes. Tammy. Geraldo. Doocy. Hegseth. Schlapp. Siegel. Watters. Dr. Drew. Henry. Ainsley. Gaetz. Inhofe. Pence. Kudlow. Conway. Trump. We salute the Heroes of the Pandumbic. #DailyShow #TrevorNoah #Coronavirus


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