Wednesday, April 1, 2020

We Desperately Need a New National Definition of Hero

I’m moved to add the well articulated and accurate words of my husband to this post. The truth holds the potential to save lives and to transform the whole narrative from one which orients towards lies, greed, violence, and death to one grounded in truth, justice, peace, and reverence for life.

Ron Matela responds to this post: “An elegant, but sinister ‘catch 22’ story line about patriotism makes it difficult to point out that people who join the military to ‘serve their country’ are anything but ‘heroes,’ rather than just cannon fodder. Those who join for education, training, or just a job are not heroes. Those who join out of a genuine sense of ‘patriotism’ seem ignorant of the fact that no U.S. war since WW2 was even remotely fought to protect or extend values of democracy. They end up being participants, and cannon fodder in U.S. imperialist adventures around the world. We desperately need a new national definition of ‘hero’.”

This excellent article is also deeply relevant:…/prophet-for-a-dyin…/

Another world is possible! May we all seek the truth and be the peace that our world yearns for. Molly

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