Saturday, April 4, 2020

Joe Biden, the Cipher Presidential Candidate

This is what happens when the powerful succeed in poisoning the people with polarizing propaganda. We end up with Biden vs Trump. This piece is so tragically spot on and why we mustn't give up the fight for a just world —
"Biden is winning the Democratic nomination on the basis of not being Bernie Sanders and wants to get elected president on the basis of not being Donald Trump. He’s as purely a negative candidate as we’ve seen in a very long time, running largely on who he isn’t and what he won’t do.
"Prior to his recent media mini-tour, did anyone seriously miss Biden? Wonder what he had to say? Expect him to come up with a bold, captivating coronavirus plan, or an arresting formulation?
"There is no Biden movement. For much of the primary campaign, he couldn’t build a crowd to save his life. He had no organization or money.
If the party had decided to order up a generic representative, with nothing original to say and a campaign utterly untouched by new thinking or methods, it couldn’t have done any better than Biden."

What William McKinley was to the front porch campaign, Joe Biden is to the basement campaign.
Sidelined and confined to his house by the dictates of coronavirus social distancing, the former vice president has been limited to intermittent appearances from a makeshift studio in his basement. They have been awkward and low energy, but that doesn’t really set them apart from most other Biden appearances.
If there’s any candidate who could thrive by having very limited public exposure and existing mostly as a line on a ballot, it’s the longtime presidential aspirant who hadn’t won a primary until a couple of weeks ago.
Biden is winning the Democratic nomination on the basis of not being Bernie Sanders and wants to get elected president on the basis of not being Donald Trump. He’s as purely a negative candidate as we’ve seen in a very long time, running largely on who he isn’t and what he won’t do.
He’s the presidential candidate as cipher.
Prior to his recent media mini-tour, did anyone seriously miss Biden? Wonder what he had to say? Expect him to come up with a bold, captivating coronavirus plan, or an arresting formulation?
There is no Biden movement. For much of the primary campaign, he couldn’t build a crowd to save his life. He had no organization or money.
There is no Biden charisma. He’s not young, handsome, eloquent, or interesting.
There is no Biden catchphrase. He doesn’t have “hope and change,” or “make America great again.”
For decades, he’s stayed reliably within the mainstream of the Democratic Party at any given time — hence, his recent turn further left — and his views have largely reflected center-left conventional wisdom.
If the party had decided to order up a generic representative, with nothing original to say and a campaign utterly untouched by new thinking or methods, it couldn’t have done any better than Biden.
He’s led on everything across the past four decades, at least according to his own account, and yet has done nothing particularly memorable. 

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