Friday, March 6, 2020

Greenpeace Gives Joe Biden a D- on Climate Change Report

These are the critically important facts that we urgently need to know. Our ignorance and complicity with neoliberal predatory capitalist system of greed, destruction, and death imperils us all.
And words are cheap and completely untrustworthy for any corporate democrat candidate who receives funding from the fossil fuel industry — and Wall Street, the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, the military and prison industrial complexes, etc., etc. Because for all of us who follow the money, we are clear that on the back of these corporate donor checks is the corporate agenda — an agenda which is the root cause of the sixth major extinction, vast national and worldwide suffering and injustice, and the climate and ecological crises which threaten life on Earth with extinction. So any update in the D- grade from a candidate who has stated that the Green New Deal would cost too much simply doesn't hold water or speak to the reality of how incredibly dangerous such thinking is our country and the planet.
I  also find myself again and again returning to my deep anger towards the American corporate media, the neoliberal democrats and neocon republicans, and all the predatory capitalists and plutocrats whose greed and ignorance imperils my children, my grandchildren, all children everywhere, and the Earth upon which we live.
These forces are responsible for an estimated 78% of Americans being unaware of the truth and the depth of the climate crisis. If greed and ignorance and relentless propaganda weren’t engulfing us here in America, rather than reporting on the stock market we’d be hearing nonstop daily reports on the climate emergency and all the dramatic changes and actions that are being taken to fight climate disruption.
Think of the coronavirus and the daily updates, or the Russia investigation or the impeachment hearing, or the constant onslaught of what Trump is up to today, etc., etc. — and now imagine if the climate emergency were given this amount of continuous air time. Just imagine if the greatest crises humankind has ever faced were treated like the greatest crisis humankind has ever faced. Just imagine if we were an informed rather than massively propagandized people. Just imagine.
One result is that there never would have been any presidential candidate who wasn’t 100% committed to declaring a Climate Emergency and funding and implementing the Green New Deal immediately. Because we Americans would never have endorsed anyone who’s ignorance and ideology imperiled our children and the planet. Biden and all the neoliberal candidates never would have had a chance of getting our votes. Because we Americans would be an informed rather than uninformed populace.
Tragically, for us all, we continue to have a very long ways to go. Makes my heart hurt. — Molly

Joe Biden got a D-minus on a climate change report card ranking Democratic presidential candidates released Thursday by the liberal environmental group Greenpeace. Update: Greenpeace revised its grade for Biden to “B” in June of 2019, citing “his commitments to investing in renewable energy and achieving net zero emissions by 2050.”
Biden, the Democratic front runner, has yet to release a detailed plan on how he will combat climate change. But the scorecard evaluated 19 candidates on their commitments to ending the use of fossil fuels and support for environmental policies based on statements, legislative records and published plans. Some candidates also responded to a 29-question survey from the environmental group.
“If he wants to translate his front-runner status in the polls to actual leadership on climate, we need him to come out with a bold, concrete plan in line with the scale of the crisis we’re facing,” said Janet Redman, climate campaign director for Greenpeace USA.
The Biden campaign didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. During a campaign swing in New Hampshire earlier this month, the candidate called for an “environmental revolution,” though he has yet join many of his Democratic campaign opponents in signing onto the Green New Deal.
“We have an existential threat,” he said. “If we don’t act quickly we’re going to basically lose everything we have.”   

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