Thursday, March 19, 2020

Biden Explains Why He Doesn’t Support a Nationwide Fracking Ban

What is beyond tragic is how Americans are so incredibly uninformed that we’re likely to be faced with Trump vs Biden. While Trump is absolutely — and in the words of Noam Chomsky — waging war on the planet, it’s also true that Biden’s agenda will perpetuate the status quo which justifies fracking and the poisoning of the Earth. Biden can be guaranteed to obstruct the funding and implementation of the Green New Deal and all of the radical systemic changes that are needed if there’s to be any chance saving ourselves. Pure madness! Hurts my heart!
The children of today will hold us all responsible for which side of history we stood on — did we act and stand in fierce protection of their futures and the sustainability of a livable planet or did we not?
That said, nothing’s over until it’s over. Regardless of who sits in the White House, our great struggle and fight for economic, racial, social, and environmental justice will continue!! Molly

Former Vice President Joe Biden said he would not support a nationwide fracking ban on Wednesday -- in part because he doesn’t believe any measure banning fracking could pass -- but the Delaware Democrat said he does support stopping all “oil drilling or gas drilling on federal lands.”
Biden’s position is the most common Democratic position, but other candidates in the race -- like Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker -- have pushed for a nationwide fracking ban.
Biden, in response to a question about fracking in Pennsylvania, said on Wednesday that the federal government has “less latitude in what we say we can and cannot do” on state lands.
“I think we should in fact be looking at what exists now and making a judgment whether or not the those in fact that are there, those wells that are there, whether or not they are dangerous, whether or not they have already done the damage,” Biden said.
Biden said the federal government “could pass national legislation” but that he doesn’t believe there are enough votes “to get it done.”

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