Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Deep, deep bow to award winning independent
investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill.  
— Molly
ANTI-SANDERS DEMOCRATS and Michael Bloomberg are raining attacks down on the frontrunner. This week on Intercepted: As Bloomberg launches a massive attack ad campaign against Sanders ahead of the South Carolina and Super Tuesday primaries, Sanders is facing a multipronged battle against the most powerful political and economic forces in the country. From Columbia, South Carolina, Rev. Jesse Jackson discusses the red-baiting against Sanders, offers his views on democratic socialism, and suggests that Bloomberg should have run against Donald Trump in the Republican primary. Jackson, who won the South Carolina primary in 1984 and 1988, discusses his presidential runs and Joe Biden’s claims of involvement with the civil rights movement. Intercepted producer Laura Flynn and Intercept journalist Aída Chávez report from Nevada on how the Latinx community propelled Sanders to victory. Plus, Jeremy Scahill takes on the red-baiting scare tactics being deployed against Sanders.
Anderson Cooper: Bernie Sanders leads the Democratic field in national polls. He’s the front-runner.
You’re making a lot of people nervous.
Bernie Sanders: Is that a bad thing?
AC: Bernie Sanders has been arguing that everyone can have health care, education, and a decent paying job.
BS: Let’s use the federal government to protect the interests of working families.
AC: Isn’t that a dangerous message for Democrats?
BS: Blah, blah, blah, blah. Liar.
AC: And that’s just one of Bernie Sanders’s many proposals. There’s also free public college, cancellation of all student debt, a federal job guarantee, and a Green New Deal to rapidly reduce carbon emissions. How are you going to pay for this?
BS: Through a modest tax on Wall Street speculation.
AC: How would that even work?
BS: We have a tax on wealth, as you well know, Anderson.
AC: Do you know how much, though? Do you have a price tag?
BS: Oh boy. How are you going to pay for that?
AC: Are you getting mad?
BS: It’s taxes on billionaires you know. How are you going to pay for over $750 billion on military spending? How are you going to pay for a trillion dollars in tax breaks to the one percent and large corporations which was what Trump did?
Please continue this podcast here:

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