Wednesday, March 4, 2020

AOC Flips the Religious Freedom Argument on Its Head

This is why I love Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and hold her with the deepest respect, gratitude, and love. Her values 100% mirror my own. We are all holy, we are all sacred, we are all unconditionally deserving of our basic needs being met and valued. We all matter! No exceptions.
What we see here is a powerful, beautiful voice of truth, integrity, courage, consciousness, and compassion. AOC is someone who actually represents We the People rather than the .1%. How refreshing!!
How radically different from what we’ve been propagandized to experience as normal. Greed, ignorance, narcissistic entitlement, and causing great harm to humans and other beings and the planet is NOT normal!
In Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez I believe we are seeing the the first woman President of our future.
Bless all the brave ones who fight fiercely and relentlessly for truth, justice, and love! — Molly

AOC Flips the Religious Freedom Argument on Its Head | NowThis

The only time religious freedom is invoked is in the name of bigotry and discrimination. I’m tired of it’ — AOC just flipped the entire ‘religious freedom’ argument on its head.
 In US news and current events today, watch Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez destroy the GOP’s ‘religious freedom’ argument. In this viral clip, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez calls out the hypocrisy of religious conservatives using their faith to justify bigotry and discrimination in the United States.  


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