Monday, February 17, 2020

What We Must Do Now To Avoid Unlivable Conditions In 30 Years and a Catastrophic Tipping Point In 80 Years

Some people get pissed off at those of us who say that we will only support Bernie Sanders and are 100% committed to being part of the national and global movements for radical systemic change NOW for environmental, economic, racial, and social justice. This is because they fail to understand why. At our core, the reason that we are fighting so hard for this evolutionary leap is that we know that this is true:

"The 2019 UN annual emissions gap report states that if all the countries that made commitments to the Paris Agreement fulfilled those promises completely, we are still headed for 2 degrees warming by 2050 and 3 degrees by the end of the century. Say it again. If the Paris objectives are fully met, we hit almost unlivable conditions in 30 years and a catastrophic tipping point in 80. Within the lifetime of our kids." Paul Ray

Bernie Sanders is the ONLY presidential candidate who will immediately declare a Climate Emergency and fully fund and implement the Green New Deal. These actions are vital to our survival. All other candidates do NOT have a plan that even begins to meet the dire crisis that we are in here on Mother Earth. 

Bernie Sanders is also the ONLY candidate who is NOT a capitalist and who is building the massive movements needed to take on and dismantle the corporate structures and power of the .1%. Our very lives and the lives of all of Earth's inhabitants are dependent upon dismantling the patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system which has overtaken our government and our media and caused unfathomable suffering and death worldwide and the poisoning of the Earth. This predatory capitalist system has long had us on a trajectory headed towards civilization collapse and extinction. 

Our movements which support Bernie Sanders and other visionaries do so because we recognize the shared values we embody the values of standing in strong protection and love of life.

Our children's lives are on the line. A habitable planet is on the line. This is why this election is the most consequential in our human history. Everything we love and cherish is at stake. Absolutely everything.

Bless us all Molly

Please go here for the full excellent article by Paul Ray:


Half the solution is first coming to fully see the problem. For more information on the failure to address the climate and ecological crises, and what is urgently needed now, please go here:

Bill Moyers, What If Reporters Covered the Climate Crisis Like Edward R. Murrow Covered the Start of World War II? —

Naomi Klein, Because "The House Is on Fire," Naomi Klein Takes Centrism-Obsessed Media to Task for Failed Climate Coverage —

Greta Thunberg, Austrian World Summit Speech, Vienna 2019 —

Bill McKibben, Naomi Klein, and others, CJR Event on Covering Climate Change —

"Call It a Crisis": New Report Details Failure of Cable and Network Outlets to Accurately Describe Climate Emergency —

Naomi Klein CRJ Nation Comments —

“Who Is the DNC Loyal To?”: Dahr Jamail Questions DNC Veto of Primary Climate Debate, Interview by Amy Goodman of Dahr Jamail on Democracy Now! — which also illuminates the difference between what we see on NPR, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, etc. and true investigative journalism.

Noam Chomsky, "Worship of Markets" Is Threatening Human Civilization

For more information, 
please consider these books:

Naomi Klein, On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a GREEN NEW DEAL
Bill McKibben, Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out —

Dahr Jamail, The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption —

Naomi Klein, This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs the Climate —

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