Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Lies and the Truth About Democratic Socialism

Every time a corporate media pundit or a corporate democrat or a corporate republican hurls the word "socialism" as a negative — it’s communism, it’ll destroy the country, it’ll be the end of democracy, it’s something the American people won’t stand for — know that it’s a LIE and that We the People are being propagandized into acting against our own best interests and instead for the interests of the powerful.

Because of their late stage greed, narcissistic entitlement, and sociopathic disregard for the well-being of life, these oligarchs and predatory capitalists have always fought against economic, racial, social, and environmental justice.

This is why Martin Luther King and Bernie Sanders and all the democratic socialists and love and peace warriors who’ve fiercely fought for a caring society have always been demonized and dehumanized.

Now we are awakening from our long slumber and fighting back. This is what our Loving Revolution is all about — birthing a New World rooted in love, equality, interconnection, partnership, compassion, generosity, truth, peace, and justice.

This is so much greater than defeating Trump alone, who is but a symptom of the domination ideology that has been present in our country since the earliest days of slavery and the genocide of the Indigenous Peoples. It’s the whole system that must be dismantled if there’s to be any chance of creating a caring and just society and sustaining a livable planet for our children and grandchildren and all species everywhere.
This is why our movements grounded in Revolutionary Love are so vital to the well-being of us all. This is something that we all can be united around — LOVE. When those who seek to brainwash us tell us lies, let’s learn discernment and how to recognize those deadly lies. And again and again and again, let’s choose LOVE.

Bless the us all, no exceptions...

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