Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Some Thoughts On the Things We "Can't Afford" and the Things We "Can Afford"

This illuminates what must change and why there is a growing massive political revolution nationwide — and worldwide — committed to dismantling the patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system and the domination ideology that is its core, which is absolutely necessary to creating a nation and world where economic, racial, social, and environmental justice is the foundation of our values, policies, and the way we treat and care for ourselves, each other, other species, and the Earth.
This madness of late stage greed must end. May we instead choose to stand up for justice, compassion, kindness, generosity, and love. May we embrace wholeheartedly the the paradigm shift, the evolutionary leap, the Great Awakening that is now emerging and growing exponentially in America and across the planet. We’ve never before been this close to taking down the power structures of the predatory capitalist merchants of death and creating a New Story where life is valued and protected.  
The eyes of the children are watching... Molly

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