Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Noam Chomsky: Sanders Threatens the Establishment by Inspiring Popular Movements

Such an excellent interview!! Chomsky illuminates why Trump is the “most dangerous criminal in human history.” AND he goes far beyond that to the roots of what has brought us Trump — which shifted into high gear 40 years ago with the neoliberal era and has certainly infected both major political parties, our entire economic system, the now corporate run American mainstream media, and the horrors of predatory capitalist system and the deadly status quo that we’ve been brainwashed into normalizing.
Noam Chomsky also illustrates why Bernie Sanders and our growing movement for economic, racial , social, and environmental justice is such an intense threat to the “neoliberal order.”
Which is yet another reminder of how vital it is that we know and understand what neoliberalism is! This piece I posted over a year ago makes clear that the national and planetary peril that we’re in began long before Trump and has certainly been incestuously tied to both major political parties:…/we-live-in-world-tha….
The ideology of domination that is embedded in the poisonous patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system that has long overtaken our political system and media and has been responsible for destroying our country and the planet MUST GO! We’re in the fight of our lives!
May our movement led by Bernie Sanders and rooted in a paradigm shift, an evolutionary leap, and Revolutionary Love continue to grow exponentially! Everything, absolutely everything, that we love and cherish is at stake. — Molly
Senators Kirsten Gillibrand, Bernie Sanders and Jeff Merkley conduct an event to introduce the Medicare for All Act of 2019 in the Dirksen Building on April 10, 2019, in Washington, D.C.
The impeachment trial of Donald Trump for power abuses is winding down, with his acquittal all but ensured when the Senate reconvenes on Wednesday to vote on the articles of impeachment. Yet, his real crimes continue to receive scant attention, and it is Sen. Bernie Sanders who is regarded by the political establishment as the most dangerous politician because of his commitment to a just and equitable social order and a sustainable future. Meanwhile, the conclusion of the Davos meeting in January demonstrated the global elites’ ongoing commitment to unimpeded planetary destruction.
This is indeed the state of the contemporary U.S. political environment, as the great public intellectual Noam Chomsky points out in this exclusive interview for Truthout.
C.J. Polychroniou: The impeachment trial of Donald Trump isnearly over, and what a farce it has been — something you had predicted from the start, which is also the reason why you thought that an impeachment inquiry was a rather foolish move on the part of the Democrats. With that in mind, what does this farcical episode tell us about the contemporary state of U.S. politics, and do you anticipate any political fallout in the 2020 election?
Noam Chomsky: It seemed clear from the outset that the impeachment effort could not be serious, and would end up being another gift by the Democrats to Trump, much as the Mueller affair was. Any doubts about its farcical nature were put to rest by its opening spectacle: Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts struggling to keep a straight face while swearing in senators who solemnly pledged that they would be unmoved by partisan concerns, and at once proceeded  as everyone know they would  to behave and vote along strictly party lines. Could there be a clearer exhibition of pure farce?
Are the crimes discussed a basis for impeachment? Seems so to me. Has Trump committed vastly more serious crimes? That is hardly debatable. What might be debatable is whether he is indeed the most dangerous criminal in human history (which happens to be my personal view). Hitler had been perhaps the leading candidate for this honor. His goal was to rid the German-run world of Jews, Roma, homosexuals and other deviants, along with tens of millions of Slav Untermenschen. But Hitler was not dedicated with fervor to destroying the prospects of organized human life on Earth in the not-distant future (along with millions of other species).
Trump is. And those who think he doesn’t know what he’s doing haven’t been looking closely.    
Is that a wild and ludicrous exaggeration? Or the very simple and apparent truth? It’s not difficult to figure out the answer. We’ve discussed it often before. There is no need to review what is happening on Trump’s watch while he devotes every effort to accelerating the race to catastrophe, trailed by such lesser lights as Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro and Australia’s Scott Morrison.
Every day brings new forebodings. We have just learned, for example, that the gigantic Thwaites Glacier in West Antarctica has been eroding from warm water below. The Washington Post describes this as “a troubling finding that could speed its melt in a region with the potential to eventually unleash more than10 feetof sea-level rise,” adding, “Scientists already knew that Thwaites was losing massive amounts of ice  more than600 billion tonsover the past several decades, and most recently as much as 50 billion tons per year. It has now been confirmed, as suspected, that this was occurring because a layer of relatively warmer ocean water, which circles Antarctica below the colder surface layer, had moved closer to shore and begun to eat away at the glaciers themselves, affecting West Antarctica in particular. The chief scientist involved in the study warns that this may signal an unstoppable retreat that has huge implications for global sea-level rise.
That’s today. Tomorrow will be something worse.
What’s causing the warmer water? No secret. This is only one of the likely irreversible tipping points that may be reached if “the Chosen One,” as he modestly describes himself, is granted another four years to carry out his project of global destruction.
We have just witnessed an extraordinary event at the January Davos meeting of the Masters of the Universe, as they are called; for Adam Smith, they were only “the masters of mankind,” but 250 years ago it was just British merchants and manufacturers.
The conference opened with Trump’s oration about what a fabulous creature he is. The encomium was interrupted only by a comment that we should not be alarmist about the climate. His Magnificence was followed by the quiet and informed comments of a 17-year old girl instructing the heads of state, CEOs, media leaders and grand intellectuals about what it means to be a responsible adult.
Quite a spectacle.
Trump’s war on organized life on Earth is only the barest beginning. More narrowly, in recent days, the Chosen One has issued executive orders ridding the country of the plague of regulations that protect children from mercury poisoning and preserve the country’s water supplies and lands, along with other impediments to further enrichment of Trump’s primary constituency, extreme wealth and corporate power.

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