Wednesday, February 5, 2020

John Pavlovitz: If the Good People Would Be Loud

May we all be committed to the courageous work of waking up, strengthening our hearts, speaking the truth, standing up against injustice, and uniting to alleviate the suffering within ourselves, our families and communities, our nation and all across the Earth.
There are many of us who, like I once was, are often asleep and disconnected from our deep capacity for compassion and kindness, vision and wisdom, caring and generosity, courage and love. And there are many of us who are bravely pulling back and emerging from the many layers of that which obstructs the clear vision of our hearts and souls.
May we all claim the beauty and love embodied in the wholeness of who we truly are. Our world will awaken, heal, and be transformed as we do. Love is who we are. Molly


Where’d all the good people go? I’ve been changing channels I don’t see them on the TV shows. —Jack Johnson

At times like these it can seem like the darkness is winning.

You can look around and simply be overtaken by all that seems so not right in the world; the hatred and bitterness and the steady, rising tide of discord creeping just above the reach of your craned neck, as you tread frantically, seeking in quick, shallow breaths the last bit of air left.

You can begin to sink beneath it all, wondering whether or not there are any good people still here. You can easily drown in that despair.

Take heart, dear friend.

It is not that good people are gone, it is just that too many of them have gone silent.

They, like you have watched this tragic chapter unfolding and feel they are powerless to do anything. They, like you feel alone and hopeless and outnumbered. They too are holding their breath and covering their eyes and waiting for the good people to show up and twist the plot.

Stop waiting already.

You are the good people.

You are the one who can step from the shadows and tell the darkness that it has had the run of the house for long enough. You can send the brilliant floodlight of hope streaming into the places where it had been vanquished.

It is only a matter of opening your mouth and releasing the truest of your truth without fear or hesitation or decorum.

Whenever our world has lost its way and lost its humanity and succumbed to terror, it has happened when people of decency and compassion refused to raise their voices, when they believed the lie that their silence was of no consequence, when they became saddened but complicit spectators.

These are such days, friend.

In these days it is not enough to be good. You must be both good and loud.

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