Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Civil Disobedience Workshops and More About How We Can Get Involved

Ron and I plan to attend the workshop on March 28th. I never dreamed that someday I'd be a 69 year old grandmother attending a workshop on civil disobedience so that I can learn about how to risk arrest or support those risking arrest. I simply know too much today to not be continually looking for ways that I can increase the strength of how I stand in protection of my children and grandchildren and yours and all of Earth's beings. Our situation here on Mother Earth is dire. Among my deepest prayers is that more and more of us will embrace the courage and the support that it takes to truly seek and know the truth, especially about the climate and ecological crises.

As Paul Ray has accurately stated

"The problem is deeper and more alarming. The 2019 UN annual emissions gap report states that if all the countries that made commitments to the Paris Agreement fulfilled those promises completely, we are still headed for 2 degrees warming by 2050 and 3 degrees by the end of the century.[31]Say it again. If the Paris objectives are fully met, we hit almost unlivable conditions in 30 years and a catastrophic tipping point in 80. Within the lifetime of our kids..." (Please go here for the full excellent article by Paul Ray:

What the truth has the potential to do is to propel millions of us into action across America and the world. This is about much more than electing Bernie Sanders and fiercely fighting for the immediate funding and implementation of the Green New Deal. This is about building movements of the enormous strength needed to take on the whole of the patriarchal predatory capitalist systems which have long been destroying our country, other nations, and the Earth.

Civil disobedience is but one way among countless other ones which we can embrace to fight for our children and the possibility of sustaining a habitable Earth. What is yours?

We're all family. Lets all get involved! And through our actions, may we take responsibility for blessing and protecting all our relations everywhere. Molly

From 350PDX
Hi everyone,
Non-violent civil disobedience is a key tool in the toolbox of any social movement. Civil disobedience takes many forms, from being in a kayak under the St John's Bridge to stop an oil shipment, to sitting in the Governor's office demanding she oppose the Jordan Cove fracked gas project, and from planting a garden over the railroad tracks at the Zenith oil terminal in NW Portland, to shutting down a Chase bank to demand they stop funding the climate crisis.
Local legend Bonnie McKinlay is offering her free civil disobedience workshop on Saturday (and has a March and April date scheduled too). This free workshop is for people considering risking arrest, those who want to support others risking arrest, or for those who want a greater understanding of why civil disobedience is an effective tactic (get some inspiration here).
Civil Disobedience Workshops
Saturday, February 22nd. 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Saturday, March 28th. 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Saturday, April 11th. 10:00AM - 3:00PM

For info, location or to RSVP, contact Bonnie: 503-705-1943, or
Please plan on participating through the entire session. Facebook events here.
Workshop Includes...
- Brief History of Civil Disobedience
- Personal Grounding
- Possible Legal Consequences
- Practical Preparation for Risking Arrest
-Know Your Rights
-Action Roles & Tactics
-Action Planning & Practice
 For more information, please go here:  

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