Monday, February 10, 2020

Canadian Town Evacuated After Another Oil Train Derails and Burns

Horrifying! Heartbreaking! We need to stop poisoning the planet and all life on Earth and transition off deadly fossil fuels and onto renewables NOW!
Yet one more reason here in the States to vote for the only candidate who is 100% committed to taking on the greed of the fossil fuel industry, Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and the whole predatory capitalist system — AND who’s building the kind of powerful grassroots movements essential to taking on the criminal wealthy interests who’ve long been destroying our country and the planet — and that is Bernie Sanders.
Saving ourselves is dependent on so much more than defeating Trump, which Bernie and our enormous movements will succeed in doing. We also urgently need to dismantle the whole patriarchal neoliberal predatory capitalist system that brought us Trump and is imperiling all life on Earth.
Bernie Sanders is, again, the the ONLY candidate who’s lifetime demonstrates relentless efforts to expose and fight the .1% and the whole ideology of domination and greed and entitlement and predatory capitalism that truly will kill us all if the powerful oligarchs aren’t stopped and a whole New World built in its place.
The time for our human evolution, paradigm shift, and Great Awakening is NOW! We all need to understand that what’s at stake is so much greater than Trump and that BOTH corporate republicans and corporate democrats have brought us to where we’re at today because they have long been doing the bidding of their wealthy donor friends rather than we the people and the planet.
Lets all unite behind Bernie Sanders and stop our complicity with systems and people who are aligned with the merchants of death. Our children and grandchildren and all children everywhere are depending upon our wise choices and unity in fiercely fighting for them today and fighting for their futures — which are dependent upon a livable planet Earth. 🙏Molly

Early in the morning of February 6, an oil train derailed and caught fire near Guernsey, Saskatchewan, resulting in the Canadian village's evacuation. This is the second oil train to derail and burn near Guernsey, following one in December that resulted in a fire and oil spill of 400,000 gallons.
According to the CBC, eyewitness Kyle Brown reported that “he saw a huge fire after the train derailed.”
“It looks like an inferno,” said Brown. “Like a war zone, really. It is pretty bad.”
The Canadian Pacific (CP) train was carrying crude oil and reportedly derailed approximately 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) from town. News reports indicate that the train crew escaped without harm.
Local resident Blaine Weber spoke to the Global News after this second derailment and expressed frustration that Canadian Pacific Railway, the rail company operating the trains, has not been forthcoming with answers about the derailments.
CP doesn’t seem to be answering any questions from either the public or the authorities,” Weber said.
Canadian Pacific also is under scrutiny over a potential cover up of the details surrounding a runaway freight train accident in 2019 that resulted in the death of all three crew members.

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