Friday, February 21, 2020


So outrageous! What has happened to America that anyone thinks it’s okay to buy the election?!? Not that this hasn’t been happening for years — it has. But to do so so openly, so brazenly, so absolutely justified in having no moral compass whatsoever. This is madness!!
It’s beyond crazy that we’re even having to ask who’s for sale, who’s willing to flush their integrity and values down the toilet for the right price, who’s openly willing to be complicit with throwing any remnant of a fair election away? These are truly and horrifyingly Orwellian times.

It just cannot be overstated how dangerous Bloomberg and all the forces behind the .1% are for their absolutely united and deadly commitment of defeating Bernie Sanders and our movements of, by, and for the people by any means possible. They will stop at nothing!
And while the power of the .1% is enormous, let’s remember that the power of the 99% is GREATER!
We’re in the fight for our lives and those of our children and grandchildren and the planet. Never before has it been this important for us to unify behind the paradigm shift, the evolutionary leap, the Great Awakening that is occurring now, here in our lifetimes.
If our power weren’t so formidable, the huge financial interests and oligarchs and predatory capitalists would not be needing to resort to such desperate tactics. Let’s tell them in mass that NO!, WE WILL NO LONGER BUY WHAT YOU’RE SELLING! Instead we’re uniting in our movements grounded in Revolutionary Love! Molly 

Michael Bloomberg's presidential campaign will reportedly pay hundreds of people $2,500 a month to promote the candidate via text message and their personal social media feeds.

The billionaire's team is now hiring more than 500 "deputy digital organizers" to work up to 30 hours a week and promote his talking points to online friends and phone contact lists, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing a staffer in California and internal documents.

The outreach is limited to California, which holds its presidential primary election on March 3, but could expand nationwide, The Journal reported.

The outreach is limited to California, which holds its presidential primary election on March 3, but could expand nationwide, The Journal reported.

Video footage of a verbal attack by rival Elizabeth Warren went viral across social media, which Bloomberg has recently attempted to blanket with his own meme-based advertising campaign.  

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